Webinar: Teaching Young Learners

Вы давно работаете с детьми? Или только начинаете? У вас много вопросов или вы давно уже все знаете и думаете, что еще нового можно узнать о преподавании детям? Приходите на наш вебинар c Ольгой Доморовской (на английском языке), мы поделимся идеями организации урока с детьми разного возраста, а также расскажем, как применить основные методические принципы для урока онлайн.

Иностранные языки 18+

На вебинар 28.05.2020 в 18:00 мск приглашаются все, кто хотел бы усовершенствовать навыки работы с детьми. Вебинар будет полезен всем, кто уже преподаёт или хотел бы начать преподавать английский язык.

Ссылку на трансляцию пришлем всем зарегистрировавшимся участникам в день вебинара. Пожалуйста, проверяйте папку "спам," чтобы не пропустить наше письмо. По всем вопросам обращайтесь по электронному адресу: info.travel4job@gmail.com. А также в социальных сетях: ВКInstagramFacebook.

Описание на английском языке:

The webinar will be provided by a certified INTESOL Russia Tutor Olga Domorovskaya, who has a 20-year teaching experience in different fields of ESL teaching. She is also CELTA certified and has a Ph.D. in Education. 

This webinar is aimed at those who are willing to learn how to teach Young Learners or to upgrade teaching skills. Have you already worked with kids for a long time or it is just the beginning of your career? Do you think it is tiring or rewarding? We are sure that working with kids is fun when you use appropriate tools. Developing certain teaching skills you will become a part of not a messy but amazing learning process. You will be able to enjoy it and celebrate every little success! 

What will we speak about?

1. 6 R principle of a lesson with YL

Lesson planning skill is vital for every teacher, no matter who they work with. A plan is a constant reference during a lesson to check what goes well and how you can improve the process. But what is even more important is to check if you fulfill the aim of the lesson. 

2. Total Physical Response in action

What is it and how it helps a teacher during a lesson? We will provide you with some real-life examples to be used in the classroom.

3. Parents: are they good or evil?

Do we need to communicate with parents a lot? Are they participants of the learning process or just the observers? Can they judge from what they see? Do we need to work with their expectations? Why?

4. Main principles of working with YL online 

What is it like to work with YL online? You will be provided with some ideas on how to organize the learning process with examples of how to interact with kids via camera. 

By the end of the webinar, you will get a present — a list of online resources that can be used either offline or online. 


Photo credit: Alvin Mahmudov


1431 день назад
28 мая 2020 18:00–19:00

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